You can spend almost $300 for a $30 pair of shoes or jeans. Currently, people are arguing about whether brands should be over priced for no reason. I believe this is a good marketing tactics because Nike and Uggs are bought a lot. this is a great way to make money and they are higher quality.Also you get new shoes or a new popular game you will be considered “cool”.
Selling things like this is a really good way of marketing. If you overprice something and make it look cool everyone will buy it and it will make you good money. Even if it looks bad kids will buy it because its from Nike or from Uggs. If a smaller company makes better or the same shoes for 50 dollars less kids won’t but it because it’s all about the brand. Also if you have shoes that aren’t from a popular brand and you buy some you will never wear any other shoes. Companies are earning big money
They are higher quality shoes or merchandise. Not everything expensive is cheap. Most of the time you will get amazing material with shoe brands and clothes. You will probably not break them because of the material they're made of. Most of the jean material is worth 300 dollars or more. You are getting what you paid for. Although some companies have very cheap material and still make money off it.
You will have more friends and be more popular. It is true that if you have one of these cool brands you will be more popular. It works like this If you have a game like call of Duty one of the best selling games ever you will have more friends if you play it, at least here is how it is. So if you have cool Nike shoes you will have more friends. thats just how the new generation works.
Even though, they use good material it could still be 100 dollars then it usually is. Even though you can have more “friends” your parents might not have enough money for Uggs or Nike shoes. Also video games can be 60 dollars and consoles like the Xbox One can be over 500 dollars so if you want a game the total is $500 plus tax. Shoes like the Kobe 9’s are that expensive and it is worth it for a console but shoes maybe not. even though I prefer expensive brands i have to agree with these.
I think it is worth it to buy expensive brand shoes or merchandise. It is made out of good materialy,you are giving money to the company you like and you can become “popular”.It is good for companies it makes them more then 10,000,000 dollars a year. I think over pricing things is a good thing for companies and for customers.